Sunday, April 4, 2010

Glucose Goodness - Week 30

A few weeks ago I had my glucose screening to check and see if I have gestational diabetes. Ryan and I went to the 6th floor where my doctor is, grabbed my paperwork and headed to the lab. They called my name and I went back and guzzled this orange sugary substance...not so yum.
It tasted like flat orange Crush with about two cups of sugar added :/

Then we set our watch countdown to an hour and headed back up to see Dr. Howerton. She measured my "fundal height" to make sure baby was growing properly. We also got to listen to the heartbeat which is now at about 130bpm. Everything checked out! She said the baby was growing perfectly and she even things little one is on its way to being "vertex" (upside down) and getting prepared for it's big debut :)
We talked to her about getting aquainted with the hospital and getting enrolled in our classes.

We have an appointment on April 15th to get set up for pre-admission. For about an hour we will meet with someone from the hospital to discuss options for pain control and if we will decide for an epidural, my medical history, assessment my physical, socioeconomic and educational needs and the fun insurance talk! Then we will head back to Dr. Howerton for my last Ultrasound with Associated Women's Specialists!!

After the hour passed I went and gave blood *shudder* and awaited my phone call to hear the test results! I have a terrible history of my veins bleeding into my arm and creating some pretty nasty bruises. This time was no different :( Here are my battle wounds...

I got the phone call at work two days later that my tests were negative for G.D.!! I am so lucky to be in such good health!
My appointments are going to start happening every two weeks for the next three or so weeks, and then they will be happening every week until the baby is born! I can't believe we are making birth plans and enrolling in Lamaze classes already!

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