There are a few issues that are dear to my heart, and breastfeeding is one of them.
It is one of the most loving, remarkable experiences I have ever had, and the bond formed between my baby boy and I is indescribable. Our breastfeeding relationship has changed and grown so much as he has gotten older, so I have learned so much from our time together.
We have experienced everything from latch struggles, no milk, SNS, emergency supplementation, and biting, to pumping, creative feeding positions, feeding past infancy, raised eyebrows and spilled milk. But mostly our day in and day out breastfeeding connection has provided healing, immunity, laughter, support, growth & immense love.
I would have never known the joy of breastfeeding a toddler had I not had the incredible support of my dear husband. Between him and the amazing resources and experts I have found, we have kept on going and created a bond that is so dear to our hearts.
I will share all my favorite pages & resources here.
If you have anything you love or advice to add, please share - I would appreciate it so much! Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions at all!
*I am working on compiling and organizing my favorites.
Until then, I will just share a few links. Please check back soon!*
When Friends & Family Disapprove of your Parenting Style
The Leaky Boob - A blog FULL of information//Be sure the check out the Facebook page!
I Guess I Forgot to Wean My Baby
Breastfeeding in the Bible
World Health Organization
Top 5 BF myths...that drive moms insane!
Until then, I will just share a few links. Please check back soon!*
When Friends & Family Disapprove of your Parenting Style
The Leaky Boob - A blog FULL of information//Be sure the check out the Facebook page!
I Guess I Forgot to Wean My Baby
Breastfeeding in the Bible
World Health Organization
Top 5 BF myths...that drive moms insane!