Sunday, April 18, 2010

Miracle in the Womb

Yesterday was so much fun! I worked my very last Saturday, went home and curled up on the couch and took a nap with Ryan and Chloe then we went to our 3/d 4/d Ultrasound!!

Miracle in the Womb was a cute little place tucked in a shopping center in Broken Arrow. It was decorated with a mix of baby cakes, childrens memorabilia, neat 4d pictures they have taken and a dash of the owner's Indian culture.

The Ultrasound Tech, Bonnie was so sweet! We chatted in the lobby for a bit and then she led us back to the Ultrasound room. I laid down on the comfy bed and Ryan sat in the Daddy chair next to me. She sat on the bed with me and worked the machine while we relaxed and watched the images on a big flat screen in front of us.

Bonnie turned on some classical Baby Einstein music and got started by squirting (warm - finally) goop all over my belly. We looked away while she found the orientation of baby Smith. Head down & curled in a tight little ball, our little one was laying on its side looking Dad's way :) We spent the majority of the thirty minutes watching the face and arms. Because the baby is so big there isn't a lot of room to move around, so no backflips or big kicks while we were there. She said my fluid looked great and would make for some good pictures (Thank you Kylie for telling me to drink water like crazy!) I am pretty sure we woke him/her up because the arms flew up and covered where she was poking around and the little eyebrows kept furrowing! Both Ryan and I have high cheekbones and big cheeks and so does baby!! We kept giggling at the chubby cheeks...the tech laughed and "he" looked like a lil' chimpunk ;) (She told us ahead of time that she calls all un-known gender babies "he.") Baby was making fists and then spreading its fingers and we got to count all five!! *whew* She had us look away while she searched for the tootsies, but they were curled up and hidden. We enjoyed our time with the baby and it made us both even more excited to see it in person - can't wait to meet you!!!!

The experience was very fun! Big thanks to Kylie, Dave, & Aisley!! We appreciate the opportunity so much!


Sherry Smith said...

OMG! This is totally amazing; our grandbaby is SOOOOOOOO beautiful!!! This just makes it even harder to wait. Thanks for sharing the pics on your awesome baby blog. Luv you three :-)

smithpeasinapod said...

Heheh thank you so much! It was such a fun experience to be that close to Baby Smith <3
I agree...I can't wait to meet the little one!!!