Monday, June 7, 2010

Update I

Ryan and I had a Doctor's appointment a few weeks ago that left much to be desired. The office was packed and everyone seemed a bit rushed that day. I think Dr. Howerton may have just been in a bad mood, but we started discussing our plan for the next few weeks and if left me a little shaken. She wanted us to come into the office in one week and discuss when my scheduled C-section would be. HUH?? I panicked a little inside at the prospect of having to make that decision in a week. We left without saying much and I broke down in tears - the unknown factors were finally starting to weigh on me. Ryan calmed me down and reminded me that the only reason Dr. Howerton has only been discussing less than desirable topics is because we keep bringing up "what if" scenarios. I will throw in my two cents and mention that Doctors don't get paid unless they deliver the patient's baby...and she has been planning on going out of town on June 4th-8th. So it did cross our minds that she may have been trying to get a rush delivery out of me. We made the decision that at the next appointment we would kindly refuse. I wanted to at least make it to my due date without any talk of induction/C-section!!

The next appointment came and we saw a different Doctor, Mackie Sutton, because Howerton was out of the office. We had a diagnostic Ultrasound to measure the baby and we discussed the results. No surprise, Baby Smith is big!! The tech said I had "great fluid" (thanks?!) Dr. Sutton said the baby looked wonderful, & the heart-rate sounded perfect. She guessed about 8 1/2 - 9 pounds for the size. There was no discussion of C-section which was fabulous! She did let me know that they do not like to let the baby go much past 41 weeks without induction because the placenta starts to not work as effectively in delivering nutrients to the baby. So, we have an appointment Wednesday, June 9th!


Jessi Mayfield said...

Good for you for standing up for what you feel is better for you and your baby! I think every mommy goes through something like that. I sure did! Intuition is a gift from God, and you should follow it. Very proud of you!

smithpeasinapod said...

It is quite out of my realm to tell a Doctor I know and trust that I don't want to do what she is telling me to. But sometimes you just have to listen to your body, women have been having babies without intervention forever! I would love to be one of them!! Thanks for the pep talk Jessi :)