You are 20 months young!
You weigh 31 pounds and fit into 18-24 and some 2t clothes.
You wear a size 7.5 shoe.
You love to run and dance, but spinning is your favorite silly move. We are teaching you how to jump! After we change your diaper on your changing table we let you jump off into our arms - right now it is just a free fall, but you love it.
You are still obsessed with airplanes - we have to stop and listen or run outside to see it whenever they fly over us. You think every loud vehicle is an airplane & start signing "airplane! airplane!" when we hear rumbling.
You have a special place in your heart for animals just like I do. You get so giddy when you see animals outside, and you just love to look at pictures of them in books as often as you can.
You have a special place in your heart for animals just like I do. You get so giddy when you see animals outside, and you just love to look at pictures of them in books as often as you can.
The best thing ever has been happening for over a are SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!! Wahooooooo! It took one very long night of Daddy & I talking to you and holding your hand as you cried in your crib, but it worked. I put you in my lap and explained that you would be safe & that we would be here the moment you needed us. I put you back down and you pulled up your blanket and waved! I was so proud of you. Since that night you went from waking every few hours to sleeping 10 without a peep.
Putting you down awake & leaving your door open has been key.
Putting you down awake & leaving your door open has been key.
You hate wet food. Spaghetti, bananas, oranges, eggs - you refuse almost everything that isn't crunchy or dry. You live on saltines, toast, apples, and dried banana chips, apricots, & cran&blue berries. One wet food you'll let cream.
You love to be in the kitchen! We call you our little sous chef. I've started putting you in your highchair and letting you pour and mix all the ingredients. You drag me to the pantry every morning so you can make my coffee. Such a helpful little guy :)
I enjoy shopping with you every week. It seems you'll never get sick of pulling off the produce bags for me. Sometimes I will put all the fruits and veggies into your lap & hold the bags open. You love dropping them in one at a time! When we get to the store I ask you if you want to ride in the Ergo or the cart. Both are fun, but I love carrying you on my back!
When we can't keep a constant eye on you we have had to start hiding your chairs that Grandpa made you. I was finding you standing as high as they could take you in funny places: Washing dishes, soaking a roll of toilet paper in the sink, pulling out all the contents of our dressers...
You nod your head vigorously when we ask if you want to go to church on Sunday morning. It is so fun to get you dressed up. Daddy & I take you in your room and pick out an outfit & dress you, then surprise the other with what you are wearing. You have been such a good boy during the services! You stay in our aisle the whole time, and you like to say hi to the people sitting in front of us. Your favorite part is when we all ring our bells.
You are finding new ways to torture the dog in the most fun ways possible. She loves you!
You love to sign! You chatter like nobody's business, but you are not talking yet. The Doctor said you are incredibly smart & understand language perfectly. He urged us to keep signing to help you learn new word association & communicate without frustration. It has been so much fun & incredibly helpful. In the past two months your favorite signs are: Squirrel, bird, cookie, ice cream, cracker, & apple.
Daddy is your very best friend. He can make you laugh the hardest, run the fastest, & squeal the silliest. The moment he gets home from work you beg him to fly his remote controlled helicopter. Any time we see a truck you pat on him because you know he drives one. Daddy's scratchy face is your favorite page in Pat the Bunny; you'll run to him and rub on his cheeks. Nothing warms my heart more than how much you love each other!
Everyone is noticing how much you have grown in the past two months. You gained several pounds (my arms could tell this!) & you are getting so tall! Don't grow too quick little one.
Momma loves you.
Momma loves you.
omg he's so cute! He looks like a toddler JCrew model in that first picture!
Heheh aww thank you C!
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