Friday, October 21, 2011

A Day in the Life

Today was a simple fun day. I take hundreds of pictures and videos on my phone, so I thought I would share a few. Here is a glimpse of our day to day routines via phone pictures!

Pickle wakes up around 6:30 every morning. Some days he wakes up complaining, but on the fun mornings, he wakes us up by calling our names..."MaMa?? DaDa??"
After a few morning cuddles in our bed, he is ready to start the day!
Today his construction hat was necessary for playtime.

Next up, find the dog. "YaaYaa??" 
As the mornings get chillier, she is hidden in fun new places. 
A good game of chase around the living room gets everyone hyped up!

We try to get out and go for a walk at least once a day. The mornings are our favorite time to walk. We get to watch the hustle and bustle of the neighborhood heading off to work, and the friendly kiddos waiting for the school bus. 
Today was ecspecially chilly, so we pulled out the cozy BundleMe & nestled on in!

Dylan seems to be on a food protest lately, but the kid sure enjoys his toast & blackberry jam for breakfast. He gets all sweet, purple, & sticky faced in the process. He can't stand dirty hands, so I taught him how to lick it off his fingertips. Bad manners? Yes. Cute? Yes.

Once our tummies are full we head to the shower! He LOVES to shower with me, and is such a fun little companion. I get one shower head and he gets the other. He holds the hand held wand and sprays my legs or fills his cups full of water. We hang out and play until the hot water is gone! I wrap him up in a warm towel then we get dressed for the day. His after shower curls are my favorite part.

His late Great Grandma Bentz passed on this pot to us. It is one of his very favorite things to play with. It is super heavy, so he will carry the pot all the way across the house, set it down then run back and get the lid. He cooks all sorts of pretend meals, and uses a big spatula to share bites - he loves it when we try his food. Today Giraffe was on the menu.

Tuesday is grocery day. He is so much fun to have around when I shop. He points at fun food, waves at strangers, and loves when we zoooooom down the aisles. In the meat and produce aisles I always let him rip off the plastic bags for me. He squeals with delight - it never gets old! When the basket gets extra full, he usually ends up grabbing anything he can and throws it overboard or tries to eat it. Silly kid!

Without fail Dylan almost always falls asleep on the drive home from the store. I turn on some sleepy tunes and he drifts off without a sound. Our favorite is Rockabye Baby: Radiohead from Auntie Cara.

I usually let him sleep in the car with the windows down and the backdoor open where I can see him while I carry in the groceries. I make sure to leave the pantry food on the floor until he wakes up. Once he comes inside he runs to each bag, handing me food one item at a time to put away.

For a few days Dylan kept standing on the couch pointing into the kitchen. He would blow air and point over and over and neither of us could figure out what he wanted. He would get frustrated then give up, only to do it again the next day. This day...I figured it out! Hidden amongst some papers on the bar was a tiny bottle of bubbles. He was blowing bubbles!
We sat on the floor in the living room and blew bubbles until the bottle was empty.

Mommy relaxes for a few minutes with a cuppa chai. This stuff is my new fave.
D loves to stick his finger in my cup and have a few tastes.

Then we head outside to play!
I water my garden (my flowers are blooming!) and he usually mows the lawn.

If it is a warm day, I will pass the hose to the little guy and he has a grand time chasing and spraying Chloe.
She loves it just as much as he does.

The water table is freeeeezing now, so we are getting creative with our toys. Today was cardboard box day & he was a stacking/knocking fool! He's got engineering in his blood :)

Around 5:00 Dylan, Chloe & I run to the kitchen when we hear the garage door open. 
Daddy is home!! 
Sometimes the boys sneak in an early evening nap.

I start dinner while the boys play. Today on the menu: Chicken pot pie.

The moment dinner is done, Dylan is ready for his wagon ride.
He loves kicking back and checking everything out while Ryan and I catch up on our day.

I put up my pumpkins from Shepherd's Cross! Dylan and I found this ladder on the curb on trash day on one of our walks a few weeks ago. We raced home and got the car, and I gave it a new home.

We play a bit before heading to bed. He is such a doll this time of night - he loves when we are all together on the floor being silly.

Our night time ritual is bath, pj's, reading, and prayers before Ryan kisses him goodnight and I nurse and cuddle him to sleep. 

Our days are full of playing, chores and family time.
We keep our schedule simple and sweet & full of fun!

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