Sunday, November 1, 2009

I'm Pregnant!

Ryan and I have known for many years that we wanted more than anything to start a family. We were married last year and naturally felt that our next (and greatest) big leap in life was to start having children. We talked, laughed, and got ourselves so excited to start our plan. We wanted to live this summer to its fullest. We went on the most amazing vacation with our closest friends to Cozumel Mexico. The trip, to us, was going to be the celebration of our past and the welcoming of our future.
We returned home from our trip and were ready for the next step! Over the next few weeks we began the waiting game with much excitement. I was over a week late so we decided to do a few pregnancy tests. From the 17th to the 23rd of September I took four pregnancy tests, all negative! We weren't super disappointed, just curious of why I hadn't started yet. The morning of the 25th my wonder was put to rest when I started what I thought was my (decimal). However on the 26th it was done! One day? Wish it was always like that!! We just assumed my body was simply getting used to not being on Birth Control.
Tuesday September 29th rolled around and I went to work as normal. All day I felt so funny! The best way to explain it was that I had butterflies - constant butterflies. I wasn't nervous or anxious feeling, just different! My back and feet were achy and I was exhausted. I didn't think much of it, but I told a few co-workers who immediately told me to take a pregnancy test. I called Ryan on my way home and told him I wanted to take a test. He didn't think I needed to, but asked me to wait until he got home from work.
He came home and we went to the bathroom together to take the test. Having taken several of the same exact kind, I knew to expect the single pink line on the right, results appearing lmost immediately. I looked at the test and in shock I pulled it close to make sure I was seeing what I though that I was. Ryan kept asking "what?" getting more anxious each time. I started saying "no! NO WAY!!" I was in so much shock - no way did we get this lucky!!! Two pink lines. TWO! I handed it to Ryan and just sat there speechless with a ear to ear grin on my face. "HUG ME!" he exclaimed! We embraced then ran to the bed and laid there and giggled in astonishment together. I took another test not 15 minutes later and it mirrored the first! Tears, laughter, and shock oozed out of us all night long. This is really happening...
We are having a baby!

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