Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Ryan you are the most incredible man I have ever met. Thank you for being the most incredible, helpful, hilarious, loving Daddy to Dylan - he loves you SO much!!


Kylie Lindenberg said...

I absolutely love this. It seems like only yesterday Dave, Aisley and I were sitting at St. John's waiting on this miracle to happen. You guys have done an AMAZING job this past year with Dylan. We are so proud of you guys!

I don't think that Toni could have found a better daddy for Dylan if she roamed the earth for a million years! We enjoyed seeing Dylan and you guys on his birthday. He has grown so much of the course of the year. He will be talking in no time! This year has flown by and he has progressed so much, NO doubt thanks to the WONDERFUL father he has. We are so proud to be able to call you guys our friends. HAPPY FATHERS DAY!

<3 Dave and Kylie

Ryan said...

Wow Kylie, that is incredibly thoughtful. Thank you so much for the kind words, I really appreciate them.

smithpeasinapod said...

Kylie thank you so much, your comment put tears in my eyes! Thank you for being there with us to celebrate - we will never forget you three staying in the waiting room for hours and hours on end waiting for Dylan's arrival! We appreciate your support and example as fellow parents. Thank you so much babe. I hope Dave had a wonderful Father's Day!